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What is mathematics actually about?

It is time for you to explore some other revolutionary ideas, to contemplate them, figure out the beauty of the palace we are building together. It is time for you to explore the foundations, understand the meaning, call everything into question.

Schloss Schwerin (MV) - Ph. me

"And this do I call immaculate perception of all things: to want nothing else from them, but to be allowed to lie before them as a mirror with a hundred facets."

- F.W. Nietzsche -

What is that mathematics definitely aims at doing? Sure Federica, deep question - wie auch immer hahahah

But tell me, I am waiting, what is your answer? Do not re-elaborate it, just shout it out loud please!

I guess you are in one of these classes, as they are indeed disjoint:

a. Maths describes the reality we live in, i.e. something happens and we model it by means of equations, so we can calculate and make predictions. We use numbers and variables to denotes objects that exist and whose properties we can measure. New results follow by the continuous act of refining such models.

b. The objects and the relations that we put in the game when writing a theory actually come to existence as our actual reality. The objects are therefore created and follow the rules we ask them to follow. It is not a mere description is creation of something out of nothing. We observe consequently nature with guidelines that our logic dictates, therefore it appears to us conformal with such structure, as our view is no longer innocent.

Now, I let you imagine to which group I belong. You know me well enough to make a guess.

Well … yes!

There is a similar matter you may want to investigate tonight: The origin of a world.

Is language just descriptive or is rather giving life to things?

As usual, you will not gain from the reading any answer to these fundamental questions. However, I am sure your brillant mind has already pictured its own somehow.

And maybe tomorrow this will be a great topic to talk about in your circles … I hope!

Das Denken, what for a beautiful [and nowadays underestimated] gift we have!

See you next week!


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